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Offices in Dallas (Main Office) & Houston, Texas

Texas Service Center Resumes Operations Post-Weather Disruption

On May 28, 2024, severe weather events necessitated the temporary suspension of petition, application, and benefit request intake at the Texas Service Center (TSC). We at ALO understand the implications such disruptions can have on individuals and businesses awaiting immigration benefits. This blog provides crucial updates following the TSC’s reopening, which was on June 3, 2024, and offers guidance for those impacted by this temporary closure.

The Texas Service Center was forced to suspend operations due to widespread and severe weather conditions on May 28, 2024. This suspension affected the intake of various immigration petitions, applications, and other benefit requests. We are pleased to inform you that as of June 3, 2024, the TSC has resumed normal operations.

Courier services will reattempt delivery of petitions and applications that were previously undeliverable due to the closure. In most cases, no further action is required from petitioners or applicants. However, if your petition or application is returned to you, it is essential to refile it as soon as possible to avoid any further delays.

Filing Flexibilities and Premium Processing

The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) recognizes the challenges posed by the severe weather and subsequent closure. As such, USCIS may grant filing flexibilities on a case-by-case basis for those affected by these events. If you have been impacted, it is advisable to request these flexibilities when refiling your petition or application.

Under the authority of 8 CFR 106.4(e)(22), USCIS has clarified that the premium processing clock does not run on any business day when a federal office is closed, including closures due to weather-related events. This means that for premium processing cases received but not yet transferred to an adjudicating office before the TSC closure, or cases undeliverable by courier services during the closure, the premium processing clock will be paused.

Guidance for Affected Petitioners and Applicants

  1. No Immediate Action Needed: If your petition or application was sent before the closure and is with the courier service, it will be redelivered automatically now that the TSC has reopened.
  2. Returned Applications: Should you receive a returned application, promptly refile it to minimize further delays.
  3. Requesting Filing Flexibilities: If your filing was disrupted by the severe weather, consider requesting filing flexibilities from USCIS to ensure your case is reviewed with leniency due to the unusual circumstances.
  4. Premium Processing Cases: Understand that if your premium processing case was impacted by the closure, the processing time will be adjusted to account for the days the TSC was non-operational.


At ALO, we are committed to supporting our clients through any challenges that arise during the immigration process. The recent severe weather and temporary closure of the Texas Service Center have undoubtedly caused concerns, but with the resumption of services, we can look forward to restoring normalcy in processing times and operations.

For further updates and detailed guidance, stay connected with ALO. We are dedicated to ensuring that our clients navigate the complexities of immigration law with clarity.

This article, under no circumstances, acts as legal advice; therefore, for any immigration questions, please contact your Attorney or the Ahluwalia Law Offices, P.C. (Team ALO).